- What are consumer non-durables?
- Which jobs are available in consumer non-durables?
- 1. Web developer: $77,030 per year
- 2. Oil rig worker: $71,314 per year
- 3. Food technologist: $78,340 per year
- 4. Information security analyst: $102,600 per year
- 5. Butcher: $36,050 per year
- 6. Paper manufacturing: $44,820 per year
- 7. Grocery associate: $14.00 per hour
- 8. Human resource manager: $126,230 per year
- 9. Chef: $50,160 per year
- 10. Machine operators: $38,380 per year
- 11. Hair stylist: $14.26 per hour
- 12. Industrial production manager: $103,150 per year
- 13. Chemical engineer: $105,550 per year
- 14. Marketing manager: $135,030 per year
- 15. Restaurant general manager: $59,440 per year
- How many jobs are available in consumer non-durables?
- Top 12 companies in the consumer non-durable industry
- What do consumer non-durable pay?
- Things to know before choosing a career in the consumer non-durable industry
- Many positions are international
- You'll be exposed to cultural diversity
- Some jobs are straining and tiring
- The competition for positions is tight
- There are many growth opportunities
- Be prepared for continuous learning and improvement
- Trends are constantly changing and evolving
- Salaries in the industry vary widely
- Customer service is important
- 4-year degrees are crucial for many positions
- Expect to be thoroughly background-checked
- Conclusion
Consumer non-durables are everyday household products that everyone has heard of, bought, and made use of at some point in their lives.
Whether you bought pizza at the local joint or stocked up on cleaning supplies, you have supported this industry before.
Career options in consumer non-durables aren't limited to any specific field. They can range from a butcher at a small butchery to a web developer at a multinational tobacco company.
We noticed that some existing and prospective professionals in this industry were starting to get concerned about their futures. Questions like 'how many jobs are available in consumer non-durables?' were arising on all platforms.
So, we decided to do some research and get all of the important facts so you don't have to.
Unfortunately, what we discovered wasn't all too pleasing.
Despite being a broad-based and vital industry, the number of available jobs will be decreasing by 1.73% from 2021 to 2031.
It remains one of the broadest industries to work in, with an impressive number of more than 5,900,000 jobs.
So, don't go changing careers yet because compared to 5,9 million, just a little more than 1% isn't cause for concern.
What are consumer non-durables?
As mentioned before, you've probably made use of a consumer non-durable, consumable, or soft good before.
In short, it's a product that you buy that doesn't last for long. We're not talking about game consoles with a Made In China sticker. It's an everyday product that you only use a few times before needing to restock.
Some examples of consumer non-durables include, but are not limited to:
- Food, like meat and dry foods
- Cleaning supplies, like washing detergents and soaps
- Clothing and footwear
- Household items, like light bulbs and toilet paper
- Other goods, like cigarettes and alcoholic beverages
Most of the products produced in this industry last no longer than 3 years before they are used up, or past their best-before date. In most cases, the products are a necessity, which means you can't live without them.
This is why these products are always in demand, even when the economy isn't doing too well. We saw this trend at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic when the public went crazy with their purchases.
Non-durable products like packets of toilet paper and packaged foods were flying off the shelves. People were afraid that they may not be able to get to shops in time to restock if they were to run out, so they overstocked.
This isn't always the case with non-durable sales because pandemics like that don't occur every day. In normal times, the market of consumer non-durables is pretty steady. The same amount of goods usually get purchased between bad and good economic conditions.
Which jobs are available in consumer non-durables?
The consumer non-durable industry is broken up into two categories, namely packaged and non-packaged goods. From here on, it's broken up further into sectors, like food, tobacco, clothing, and skincare products.
In each of these sectors, there are numerous job opportunities. We took the liberty of scanning the US Bureau of Labor Statistics website for the estimated job outlook and salary of each job.
So, without further ado, here are a few jobs that may interest you:
1. Web developer: $77,030 per year
Web Developers work with client-server models, codes, and IT programs to create and design websites and web applications. You will be responsible for the maintenance, performance, and security of the websites that you create.
To have a reasonable chance of landing a good web developer job, you'll need a qualification like a college degree in web development or any other type of computer science. Most employers would prefer a four-year bachelor's degree but a 2-year associate's degree should be sufficient.
Additionally, you must know how to work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other programs. Having the skills and knowledge to do this job could bring you a median annual salary of $77,030. If you're highly qualified with years of experience and an impressive portfolio, you could be looking at more than $129,000 per year.
Back in 2021, the number of web developer jobs stood at 95,300. By 2031, there will be 124,100 jobs in this career. This means that the number will increase by a remarkable 30% or 28,900 over the next decade.
This doesn't include the 21,800 openings that will become available due to unforeseen circumstances like deaths and illnesses each year.
2. Oil rig worker: $71,314 per year
Oil rig workers go offshore on an oil rig where they complete their daily tasks and duties. Your job description can include anything from working in the boiler room to cleaning the kitchen.
In general, you need to be older than 18 to go out on the rig and you'll need to stay there until the job is done. Because of the dangerous nature of oil rigs, the minimum requirements are emergency response training and an offshore medical certificate.
To better your chances of getting a job in this field, you can look into completing an apprenticeship. However, if you're thinking of entering a leadership or management position, an engineering degree is mandatory.
As an oil rig worker, you can expect an average annual salary of $71,314 per year. As of 2021, there were 22,800 oil rig worker jobs in the US. By 2031, this number will have increased by 8%, which roughly translates to 1900 new jobs over the decade.
3. Food technologist: $78,340 per year
Food technologists have a relatively important job. You will have the task of analyzing all types of foods by looking at their physical and chemical aspects.
Some technologists use this information to come up with packaging ideas, and others need to find ways to modify existing foods. These modifications include developing fat-free versions and creating new and improved recipes.
As a food technologist, you need to be caught up with all the specifications and regulations stipulated by the government and specific industries. You also need to be aware of any new ingredients that get discovered.
To become a food technologist, the minimum you'll need is a degree related to any area of food. Don't be discouraged if you haven't obtained your degree yet because you can work as a technician until you graduate.
As long as you have an advanced apprenticeship on your resumé or any food-related postgraduate degree, you're good to go.
According to the BLS, food scientists and technologists earn an average annual salary of $78,340. There is a very small group of professionals working in this field, with only 14,400 jobs. This number is expected to increase with 800 jobs by 2031, which is an average growth of 6% from 2021 to 2031.
4. Information security analyst: $102,600 per year
Information Security Analysts can work in any field of consumer non-durables. You'll be responsible for securing and overseeing a company's IT systems.
You need to analyze an existing internal company network to eliminate shortcomings in their security. This job is very important because of the highly competitive nature of soft goods companies and the sensitive information that they keep in their systems.
For this reason, you can expect to earn a median annual wage of $102,600. Higher qualified information security analysts can earn more than $165,000, while entry-level workers receive $61,520 per year.
You can land a job with a Security+ certification. To earn a higher salary, you need many skills, including networking skills and basic information technology (IT) knowledge. Plus, a bachelor's degree in programming, engineering, information science, or computer science is very beneficial.
If you work for large multinational companies, you may need to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to ensure that no information leaks out.
The projected outlook for this job is fantastic, with a rise of 35% from 2021 to 2031. This is 56,500 openings over the next decade. Not to mention the 19,500 jobs on average that will be opening every year for the next ten years.
5. Butcher: $36,050 per year
Butchers work in the food sector of the consumer non-durable industry. More specifically, you'll work with meat and other related products.
Your main duties include taking meat orders from customers and making bulky pieces of meat sellable. To do this, you need to cut it up into usable pieces and package it to be sold.
To become a butcher, you can have a high school diploma at minimum, which is sufficient in most cases. There are courses that you can complete to increase your chances of earning a higher salary. Prior experience and being able to lift heavy animals and pieces of meat are also important.
Working as a professional in this career, you can expect to earn an average of $36,050 per year. The highest 10 percent of butchers in the US earn $47,770 per year.
Unfortunately, butcher jobs will decline by 3% over the next decade. This means that there will be 4,900 fewer jobs in 2031 than there were in 2021. Despite this gloomy outlook, due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be an average of 17,700 butcher jobs opening each year for the next ten years.
6. Paper manufacturing: $44,820 per year
Paper manufacturing workers are responsible for the machinery that saws, stitches, wraps, forms, and seals paper. You can be responsible for setting, operating, and tending to these machines.
You don't need more than a high school diploma, but any type of work experience is a bonus. Unfortunately, the projected job decrease of 4% is fairly concerning. There will be 3700 fewer jobs in 2031 than there were in 2021.
The annual average salary of paper machine setters, operators, and tenders is $44,820.
7. Grocery associate: $14.00 per hour
Grocery associates work at grocery stores, usually under a supervisor. You'll do tasks like stocking and cleaning the shelves, helping customers find items, and packing products into bags at the checkout counter.
These tasks are very simple, so you don't need any qualifications other than a high school diploma. In some cases, you can start working this job if you haven't finished high school yet, or if you're an early school leaver. Typically, grocery associates choose this path as part-time jobs while studying or working towards something else.
The occasional necessary skills include good customer service, the ability to work in a team, and the ability to follow directions. You also need to be able to work long hours and be on your feet for most of the day.
As a grocery associate, you'll get paid by the hour because of the irregular shifts that you'll be working. Retail salespeople usually earn $14 per hour, but this amount can vary widely.
In 2021, the number of retail jobs stood at a shocking 4,125,700. There is little to no change expected over the next decade, with only 1900 fewer jobs by 2031.
With the constant opportunity to move onto a better job, grocery associates often leave their positions for many reasons. For this reason, there will be an average of 594,400 jobs opening each year from 2021 to 2031.
8. Human resource manager: $126,230 per year
HR managers are responsible for creating job ads, having interviews, and creating shortlists of potential candidates. You will also work with the financial department to handle compensation and benefits. Plus, when any training or educational requirements arise, it'll be your job to see that it gets done.
In short, if any employee has any problem whatsoever, the first person that they should see is their human resource manager, which is you. This is because you'll be the middleman between the top leadership and the employees of a company.
You could land a job with a bachelor's degree but in most cases, a master's degree is required. Additionally, a few years of experience can earn you a much higher salary.
As a human resource manager, you could earn no less than a median wage of $126,230 per year. The lowest 10 percent of employees in this career earn less than $75,000. On the other hand, the highest 10 percent earn more than $208,000 per year.
The estimated job growth for this career path is 7%, which means there will be 12,600 new jobs by 2031. The number of jobs opening each year due to unforeseen events is estimated to be around 16,300.
9. Chef: $50,160 per year
Chefs usually work for a specific establishment, like a café or restaurant. You will be required to create new dishes and set up a menu based on their expertise. Plus, you'll need to oversee all of the kitchen staff and sometimes the need to communicate with customers will arise.
To become a chef, you need to have culinary experience and knowledge of sanitary regulations and health codes. You need to be able to work in a team but also take the lead, and keep an inventory of the kitchen stock.
A culinary school diploma or degree in food science is preferred in most cases if you want to earn a good salary. Chefs earn a median annual salary of $50,160. The highest 10 percent earn $84,570+, while the lowest 10 percent don't earn more than $30,910 per year.
Chef jobs will increase by 15% over the next ten years, with 23,600 more jobs in 2031. On top of that, there will be 24,300 existing jobs opening each year because of deaths, retirements, and career changes.
10. Machine operators: $38,380 per year
Machine operators work with warehouse equipment and heavy machinery. Your duties will be to maintain these machines by monitoring them and keeping them clean. You will also be responsible for operating the machines to complete the daily activities of the warehouse.
As a machine operator, you need a general certificate from secondary school (GCSE). However, there are some instances where you'll need a diploma or certification.
The overall median salary for material moving machine operators is $38,380 per year. There are many types of machine operators, each with different median annual salaries:
- Dredge operators: $46,210 per year
- Hoist and winch operators: $52,300 per year
- Crane and tower operators: $62,240 per year
- Industrial truck and tractor operators: $38,380 per year
- Conveyor operators and tenders: $36,420 per year
In 2021, there were 852,200 jobs in this field. By 2031, this number is estimated to be 909,100, which is an increase of 7%.
11. Hair stylist: $14.26 per hour
Hair stylists also work in the consumer non-durable industry. You'll be required to provide a service that includes cutting, washing, coloring, treating, and styling hair. If you have a salon, you could also sell hair and salon products.
As a hairstylist, you'll have to stand for a very long time while you work with hair and you need to be able to keep up with trends. You also need good communication skills and artistic or creative abilities.
Additionally, to get a job at a hair salon, you need a year of beauty service experience and a barber license. Sometimes, a course in hair styling and hair products is also very beneficial.
Working as a hairstylist, or hairdresser, you will earn an hourly salary because you get paid for every hour that you spend on a client's hair. The median wage is $14.26 per hour.
There will be a job growth of 11% over the next decade with 60,800 more jobs by 2031. Additionally, there will be an average of 93,800 jobs opening per year due to unforeseen circumstances.
12. Industrial production manager: $103,150 per year
Industrial production managers mainly work in manufacturing plants. You will be involved in coordinating, overseeing, and planning different manufacturing processes.
You need a bachelor's degree, good time management and leadership skills, and experience as a production director or manager. A vast knowledge of health and safety regulations and production management is also very necessary.
There are many fields of manufacturing, which is why there are different production managers. On average, industrial production managers receive $103,150 per year. Other categories receive different salaries:
- Chemical manufacturing: $125,480 per year
- Transportation equipment manufacturing: $119,400 per year
- Machinery manufacturing: $101,870 per year
- Food manufacturing: $98,500 per year
- Fabricated metal product manufacturing: $98,490 per year
The number of industrial production managers will grow by 3% from 2021 to 2031 with 7,100 new jobs opening. Further, a number of 15,400 jobs will be opening on average each year due to unforeseen circumstances.
13. Chemical engineer: $105,550 per year
Chemical engineers work in the chemical manufacturing field. You will be required to use several skills like biology, chemistry, physics, statistics, and math to develop chemical manufacturing processes. Some products that are manufactured in this field can include food, drugs, fuel, and chemicals.
To become a chemical engineer, you need practical experiences like an internship and a bachelor's degree in a chemical field. It's a very limited career option, with only 30,700 jobs by 2031. This is a 14% growth from 2021.
For a year's work, you can expect to earn a median salary of $105,550. This amount can increase significantly with more years of experience and better qualifications. The top 10 percent of professionals earn more than $187,430 per year.
14. Marketing manager: $135,030 per year
Marketing managers create advertisements and marketing plans to get the company's product in the public's eye. You will be responsible for maintaining the image and brand of the company and selling as many products as possible.
As a marketing manager, you need to be up to date with market trends. You also need to conduct research and draw up plans for new marketing campaigns. New promotions and sales are usually created by marketing managers, so you should know the prices of all the company's products.
The minimum requirement is a bachelor's degree in a related field, like marketing or advertising. However, your chances of landing a good job are much better if you have a graduate degree in marketing or an MBA.
Marketing managers receive a median salary of $135,030 per year. The highest 10 percent of these professionals earn more than $208,000 per year.
Because of the number of product-related companies across the country, there are a lot of marketing manager jobs. In 2021, there were 319,000 jobs. This number is set to increase by 10% by the year 2031.
There will also be 35,300 jobs opening each year from 2021 to 2031. These jobs will open due to retirements, deaths, and professionals stepping out of their positions for other reasons.
15. Restaurant general manager: $59,440 per year
General managers usually oversee every aspect of the restaurant where they work. You may work front of house or conduct all of your activities in an office. Training, hiring, bookkeeping, and marketing are all some of the usual job duties of restaurant general managers.
To be a general manager at a restaurant, you need to have experience in food-service or other areas of the restaurant business. A degree in business management and good leadership skills is also crucial. Plus, it's not a 9-to-5 job so you need to be prepared to work long hours.
You'll be the person that a customer wants to see when they aren't happy with something. Good customer service and communication skills are mandatory. Plus, you need to have a good amount of knowledge about health and safety regulations.
Foodservice or restaurant managers receive a median annual salary of $59,440 per year. Managers in the lowest 10 percent, who usually work at new or small restaurants, earn no more than $36,630 per year. Then again, there's an opportunity to earn a lot more, in the range of no less than $98,070, if you work for a bigger establishment.
There will be 45,000 new jobs opening each year due to unforeseen reasons. On top of that, the job growth of restaurant general managers is projected to be 10% from 2021 to 2031. That's an extra 32,300 jobs opening.
How many jobs are available in consumer non-durables?
It now is evident that consumer non-durables is a broad-based industry with a ton of job opportunities. In short, there are more than more than 5,900,000 consumer non-durables jobs in the US.
Since the duties and minimum requirements of each job vary so widely, there is no set average salary that applies to consumer non-durables. The salary can pretty-much range anywhere from $70,000 to $87,000 per year, with other sources estimating an annual average between $60,000 and $100,000.
Top 12 companies in the consumer non-durable industry
We now know what consumer non-durables are, what jobs are available in the industry, and what their average salaries are.
The next question is what companies are in the consumer non-durables field?
With data from Value Today, we have compiled a list of the top 12 companies in the consumer non-durable industry.
1. Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble is a fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) company that was founded in 1837. Their headquarters is located in Ohio, USA.
The company takes the number 21 overall spot in the top 10,000 companies in the world. P&G brings in average annual revenue of $80,187 million and they currently employ 106,000 people.
They specialize in several consumer non-durable goods that include big brands with an international customer base, like:
- Head & Shoulders
- Ariel
- Olay
- Vicks
- Clearblue
- Gillette
- Oral-B
- Duracell
- Tampax
- Always
2. Nestlé SA
Nestlé was founded in 1866. This food and non-alcoholic beverages company takes the number 23 spot among the top-grossing companies in the world. It's Switzerland's pride with the #1 spot among top companies in the country. Their headquarters is located in Vevey, Switzerland.
Their annual revenue totals up to an average of $92,575 million and they employ 275,000 people all over the world. Nestlé products, which include over 2000 brands, can be bought in 191 countries.
Some Nestlé brands that you may have heard of include:
- Toll House
- Milo
- Nescafé
- KitKat
- Nespresso
- Maggi
3. The Coca-Cola Company
Coca-Cola is one of the world's most well-known companies, with products available in every country across the globe except for Cuba and North Korea.
In the overall number 32 spot in the world, with 80,300 employees and an annual revenue of $38,655 million, it's clear why Coca-Cola is the top non-alcoholic beverage company in the world.
The company was founded in 1892 and its headquarters is located in Georgia, USA. Most soft drinks that we know today are manufactured by the company and their brand list includes some big names, like:
- Coca-Cola
- Sprite
- Fanta
- Powerade
- Minute Maid
- Schweppes
- Fuze
- Appletizer
4. L'Oréal
L'Oréal is the leading cosmetics and beauty company in the world and the 37th overall company. They take the number 2 spot in France's list of top companies, which is where their headquarters is located.
L'Oréal was founded in 1909 and today they bring in an annual revenue of $35,580 million. The company employs a total of 85,392 people worldwide.
Their brand list includes skincare and makeup brands like:
- L'Oréal Paris
- Garnier
- Maybelline New York
- Dark & Lovely
- NYX Professional Makeup
5. Nike Inc.
This sportswear giant, founded in 1964, is the top sportswear manufacturing company in the world. Overall, they take the number 38 spot when it comes to all companies from all industries.
$46,710 million annual revenue and 73,300 employees make this US-based company one of the top consumer non-durable companies. There are a total of 1,046 Nike retail stores worldwide.
The company sponsors many big sports stars. Michael Jordan has made more than $1.3 billion since he signed his deal with them in 1984. Since then, he inspired one of their most popular products, known as the Air Jordan.
Some well-known products include:
- Air Max
- Air Jordan
- Air Force
- Converse
6. PepsiCo
PepsiCo is one of the Coca-Cola Company's biggest competitors. The company is 42nd in the world and they employ a total of 309,000 employees worldwide.
Their headquarters is located in New York, USA and they take home an annual revenue of $79,470 million.
Since 1898, they have been working towards creating their 22 brands that each generate more than $1 billion in retail sales. These brands each contribute their line of products to PepsiCo's final list of thousands of products.
Some well-known brands included in PepsiCo's range include:
- Diet Pepsi
- Quaker Oats Company
- Aquafina
- Lay's
- Mountain Dew
- Gatorade
- Doritos
- Cheetos
- Pepsi Max
- 7UP
- Tostitos
- Lipton
- Frito-Lay
7. Philip Morris International
Philip Morris International, founded in 1847, is the world's largest tobacco and cigarette company by market cap. Overall, they take the number 87 spot in the list of the top 10,000 companies in the world.
They are the 55th largest company in the United States, which is where you can find its headquarters. Philip Morris sells their products in 180 countries across the globe and they employ 73,500 workers.
They are a part of Big Tobacco, which is a group of 5 of the world's biggest tobacco companies. The other companies on this list include British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands, Japan Tobacco International, and China National Tobacco Company.
Philip Morris International's cigarette brands take up 3 spots in the list of 10 most valuable tobacco brands worldwide. These brands include:
- L&M
- Marlboro
- Chesterfield
Together, all the PM brands bring in an annual revenue of $31,765 million for the company.
8. Christian Dior
Christian Dior's headquarters is situated in Paris, France. The company employs 148,861 employees across the globe and they make an annual revenue of $93,631 million.
They are in the top 100 countries in the world, taking the number 92 spot.
Christian Dior specializes in fashion and luxury goods. Currently, the company is the 2nd most popular luxury brand in the world, right behind Gucci.
The company has been manufacturing and distributing many products since 1946. Some of their products include:
- Champagne wines
- Spirits
- Bags
- Accessories
- Footwear
- Jewelry
- Watches
- Leather goods
- Make-up and skincare
- Fragrances
9. Unilever Group
Unilever, founded in 1929, is one of the leading fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies. Their products are available in more than 190 countries, where they employ 149,000 people.
Unilever's headquarters is located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Overall, they are in the 100th position of top companies in the world, with a revenue of $57,793 million per year.
Unilever produces and distributes over 400 brands including some household names that you may have heard of:
- Food-related products like Knorr and Hellmann's
- Ice cream brands like Magnum, Cornetto, and Ben & Jerry's
- Cleaning supplies like Domestos, Comfort, OMO, and Surf
- Skincare, hair, and beauty products like Lifebuoy, Dove, Lux, Pond's, Vaseline, and TRESemmé
10. Estēe Lauder Companies
Estēe Lauder was founded in 1946 by Estēe Lauder herself. Products by the company, which is number 114 in the world, are sold in more than 150 countries worldwide.
Their headquarters is in New York, USA, and they employ 62,000 workers. The company makes no less than $17,737 million in revenue per year by selling skincare, hair care, and make-up products.
There is a total of 1,600 freestanding Estēe Lauder stores across the globe, where you can find products like:
- Beautiful Eau de Parfum Spray
- Advanced Night Repair Serum
- Revitalising Supreme+
11. Diageo
Diageo is the world's largest alcohol company and the 120th largest company in the world. Being founded only a few years ago, in 1977, the company is relatively young compared to others.
Their headquarters are based in London and they receive an annual revenue of $18,200 million. They employ 28,025 workers and distribute their products to 180 countries.
Some of the most popular out of their 200+ brands include:
- Johnnie Walker
- Guinness
- Baileys Irish Cream
- Captain Morgan
- Smirnoff
- Cîroc
- Don Julio
- Tanqueray
- Crown Royal
- Bulleit Bourbon
- Buchanan's
- Lagavulin Distillery
- Gordon's Gin
12. Anheuser-Busch InBev
Last on our list is a young company named AB-InBev. The company currently stands at number 134 among the top companies in the world. They are based in Belgium, where they were founded in 2008.
It's Belgium's top company across all industries, collecting a total annual revenue of $54,304 million. There are 169,000 employees currently working for AB-Inbev, which is the leading beer company worldwide.
The company currently has a portfolio of over 630 brands, which include some popular names, like:
- Budweiser
- Stella Artois
- Corona
- Beck's
- Natural Light
- Michelob Ultra
- Elysian Brewing Company
- Goose Island Brewery
What do consumer non-durable pay?
Salaries in the consumer durables industry vary widely based on role, experience, and location. Here's a snapshot of average annual salaries for various positions in the United States:
- Marketing Manager: Approximately $70,297 per year.
- Sales Representative: Around $68,157 per year.
- Product Designer: About $114,707 per year.
- Industrial Designer: Approximately $69,107 per year.
- Quality Control Manager: Around $86,064 per year.
- Sales Manager: Approximately $81,041 per year.
- Chief Product Officer: Between $150,000 and $250,000 per year.
- Manufacturing Director: Between $140,000 and $200,000 per year.
- Marketing Director: Between $130,000 and $190,000 per year.
These figures are averages and can fluctuate based on factors such as company size, geographic location, and individual qualifications.
Additionally, the consumer durables sector often offers benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and opportunities for career advancement, enhancing the overall compensation package.
Things to know before choosing a career in the consumer non-durable industry
Yes, we know, working for billion-dollar multinational companies sounds just perfect.
However, like with any other job in any other industry, there are some factors that you need to consider before applying for a position. Don't worry, nearly none of them are negative.
Many positions are international
Companies like Coca-Cola, Estēe Lauder, and Procter & Gamble are internationally based. This means that you may get the opportunity to travel for work, or even settle in a different country.
You'll be exposed to cultural diversity
Because of the international locations of most consumer non-durable companies, you'll have the opportunity to learn a lot about other cultures.
You may work closely with coworkers with other cultural backgrounds, and the products that you sell could be suited for other cultures than your own.
Some jobs are straining and tiring
From 9-to-5 office jobs to working in a very busy restaurant kitchen, consumer non-durable jobs may be strenuous and exhausting. Some jobs may also require hours of 'brain work' which means that you'll have to come up with new concepts and think outside of the box
The competition for positions is tight
As soon as new positions at large companies in this industry get advertised, they already receive thousands of applications.
Take Procter & Gamble for instance, they receive 90,000 applications every year but they only employ an average of 5,000 workers.
You'll need a very good CV to stand out above the rest and to have the best chance of landing a job.
There are many growth opportunities
Entry-level workers rarely stay in the same position for too long. In most cases, you'll have the opportunity to work yourself up the ladder if you do your job right.
Be prepared for continuous learning and improvement
Large companies like Nestlé, Unilever, and PepsiCo care about their workers. Not only because they have a reputation to uphold, but also because they prefer that they live up to their full potential.
This is why many companies offer internships, courses, and other learning platforms to their workers. You may start at a job with no skills or experience at all, and leave with a very impressive resumé.
Trends are constantly changing and evolving
If you work in the consumer non-durable industry, you need to be prepared to deal with changing trends. The company you work for may suddenly change their minds and decide to stop production for a certain product. To deal with this, you will need to learn some extra skills.
Salaries in the industry vary widely
Just because someone you know is earning more than $100k per year, doesn't necessarily mean that you will earn the same amount. All jobs have different salaries and various levels of qualifications and experience can have an impact on what you'll end up earning.
Customer service is important
Consumer non-durables are aimed at consumers in particular. This means that customer service is very important because it can have a significant impact on a company's reputation. If you think your customer service skills aren't up to par, you'll have to start working on it before you start at a new job.
4-year degrees are crucial for many positions
Depending on the career that you choose, you may need a four-year degree to start a new job. Even if the job requirements don't specify it, it's very beneficial if you want to stand out above the thousands of other applicants.
Expect to be thoroughly background-checked
Companies with international reputations need to be completely sure that they don't hire criminals. Thus, you can expect the HR manager to run a thorough background check on you before you will be considered for a job.
It's clear that the consumer non-durable industry as a whole may be facing a 1.73% decrease in available jobs from 2021 to 2031. Yet, the future for some professions in the industry seems pretty bright.
Depending on your qualifications, skills, and years of experience, you can expect to be highly compensated for your work. Plus, starting at an entry-level position doesn't mean that you'll stay there forever because jobs in this industry have plenty of opportunities for growth.
So, finish that qualification and send in your CV, because whether it be part-time jobs or a full-time position, there is a space for you in this industry.
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I am the CEO and founder of Overmentality. I am a professional business and technical blogs writer and on-page SEO specialist. I hold a degree in Culture Studies and Media Literacy from the English Humanities and Art Department. And I am interested in Digital Marketing, Business, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and pets of course!
You can reach me via email here: hamiidnouasria@gmail.com
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